Exploring Common Myths About Recycling

Recycling is a highly beneficial practice that helps with resource conservation. It can also be good for various communities as it creates jobs and reduces landfill waste. While the value of recycling is easy to wrap your head around, there are persistent myths about the practice that can negatively affect conservation efforts. Take this opportunity to learn about those recycling myths. You should also keep them in mind as you work with a local recycling company.

Myth 1: Established Recyclable Materials Can Always Be Processed

Let’s start with a myth causing recycling bins to fill up with items that aren’t fit to be recycled. At an early age, many of us are taught that cardboard, glass, metal, and paper are among the recyclable materials. Because we grew up with that thought implanted in our minds, we assume those materials are always recyclable. Unfortunately, that’s not the case.

For instance, paper can only be recycled so many times before its fibers become too weak to go through the process again. Once paper reaches that point, it must be disposed of instead of recycled. The introduction of grease can also make paper unfit for recycling.

You should also talk to your local recycling company about the materials that can be processed in your area. The available processing facilities typically determine their recycling capabilities. Ask them if the materials you’re preparing for recycling can be processed before you send them on their way.

Myth 2: We Already Recycle Enough

Given the point highlighted in the first entry, you may be inclined to believe that we do more than enough recycling. However, the EPA says differently. According to the EPA, 75% of the American waste stream is recyclable, but only 30% of it goes through the process.

Many of us are still not capitalizing on all recycling opportunities. You may be throwing away items that can still be repurposed. Don’t hesitate to contact a local recycling company to check if some of the items you’re planning to throw away can be recycled.

Myth 3: Separating Your Recyclables Doesn’t Make a Difference

Lastly, it’s important to dispel the myth that separating your recyclables doesn’t make a difference. The truth is separating your recyclables can make the process more efficient and protect valuable equipment. You should always take the time to sort your garbage because it boosts recycling efforts.

Hopefully, learning about recycling myths has helped you understand the process better. Use the knowledge you gained here to improve your recycling at home and the office. You can also contact Opendaker today if you need help with your recycling!


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